In order to understand the different levels of gambling addiction, you must first determine what category you fall into. A gambler can be classified as a “social” gambler, a “pathological” gambler, or a “problem” gambler. Identifying the right treatment depends on the level of addiction and the extent of the person’s problems. Listed below are some of the different types of treatment for gambling addiction. Read on to discover how each type of treatment can help you.
Problem gambler
A problem gambler has several forms of gambling. The most common of these is social gambling, which many problem gamblers claim to be. However, these people often pretend to be social gamblers to gain access to money. While this type of gambling does not pose an immediate danger, it can still lead to long-term damage to an individual’s life. Because problem gambling has no immediate physical consequences, it’s not always obvious to others. In contrast, substance abuse can lead to track marks and slurred speech.
Pathological gambler
The ratio of males to females in the pathological gambling population is approximately 2:1. Gambling often begins in early adulthood, with males starting at an earlier age than females. It takes a few years before pathological gamblers develop a serious problem, although almost half of them feel addicted within a year. In contrast, females appear to develop pathological gambling disorder in less time. But what should a pathological gambler expect?
Professional gambler
A professional gambler is a person who makes money by gambling. These individuals must find gambling fun and must quit once they don’t enjoy the activity anymore. Often, loved ones can monitor a professional gambler’s activities to see if it is harmful for their well-being. Since gambling is an addictive activity, protective measures are essential to help the gambler stop. One important measure to follow is to seek expert assistance and advice.
Social gambler
While social gambling is a fun activity that can be enjoyed by anyone, some people are more prone to gambling addiction than others. Serious social gamblers tend to prioritize their gambling habits over more important aspects of their lives. For these individuals, gambling can be a means of coping with stress, anxiety, or escapism. However, for other social gamblers, gambling may simply be a way to spend their free time.
Adolescent pathological gambler
The prevalence of adolescent pathological gambling is still a hotly debated issue. Although the vast majority of adolescents report having wagered money at some point in their lives, the prevalence of negative gambling behaviors remains unclear. Regardless, the effects on adolescent pathological gamblers are very serious. Here’s what you need to know to help identify an adolescent pathological gambler.
Symptoms of problem gambler
Problem gambling affects many people worldwide, and is an addiction. While gambling can be an enjoyable pastime for some people, for others, it is an obsession that can ruin their lives. Often referred to as the “hidden addiction,” problem gambling often shows no outward signs. In the case of problem gambling, however, a person may begin to exhibit erratic behavior, including lying or stealing money. Listed below are some of the most common symptoms of problem gambling.